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Live Register sees another fall in January – CSO

The number of people signing on the Live Register fell in January to the lowest level since the start of 2008, new figures from the Central Statistics Office show.

The CSO said the Live Register fell by 1,300 in January to bring the seasonally adjusted total to 183,900. 

On a seasonally adjusted basis, the number of men signing on the Live Register showed a monthly decrease of 0.8% in January, while the number of women fell by 0.5%. 

Today’s CSO figures also show that the number of long term claimants on the Live Register fell by 14.3% in the 12 months to January.

Meanwhile, the level of youth unemployment decreased by 6.2%, with the CSO noting that annual decreases in people under the age of 25 signing on have now occurred every month since July 2010.

Figures from the CSO earlier this week showed that the monthly unemployment rate rose slightly to 4.8% in January from 4.7% in December. 

The Live Register is not designed to measure unemployment as it includes part-time workers – those who work up to three days a week – as well as seasonal and casual workers entitled to Jobseeker’s Benefit (JB) or Jobseeker’s Allowance (JA).

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