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93% of workers would like opportunity to work from home

93% of Irish employees surveyed by recruiter Robert Walters said they would like more opportunities to work from home when normal working patterns resume.

Around one in ten said they would like to work from home permanently. 

The recruitment company gauged the opinions of management and staff in over 2,200 companies worldwide for this survey. 

About two thirds of senior leadership figures in Ireland expressed concerns over employee productivity when staff work from home.

However, eight in ten companies said the experience of Covid-19 would likely encourage more home-working in the future. 

While most companies are planing a staggered return to the workplace based an a range of different criteria, about a third of companies here admitted to not yet considering what their return to work strategy may be. 

“A return to the office brings about many perks, including social inclusion, better workplace collaboration, a separation of homelife, and a reinforcement of company values,” Suzanne Feeney, Director at Robert Walters Ireland, said.

“What employers need to do is merge the perks of office-life with what people have been enjoying about working from home; for example – flexi-hours, a relaxed atmosphere, and avoidance of busy commute times,” she added.

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