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Guidelines for reopening of hospitality sector due out

Guidelines for the reopening of the hospitality sector are expected to be published today.

They have been drawn up by Fáilte Ireland ahead of Friday’s Cabinet meeting which will look at a further easing of Covid-19 restrictions in June and July.

The guidelines are expected to say that tables will have to be a metre apart for both indoor and outdoor dining.

But there will be one key difference in the approach to indoor hospitality, it will have a time limit unlike the service that will be offered outdoors.

There is also set to be a strong emphasis on ventilation when it comes to indoor dining.

Outdoor hospitality is expected to resume on 7 June, but Cabinet must decide on Friday when the sector can serve customers indoors again.

Taoiseach Micheál Martin indicated yesterday that this may not happen in the first week of July and he said it remains the case that outdoors is best.

Meanwhile, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media Catherine Martin said that progress has been made to provide grants for pubs to serve customers outside.

Article Source – Guidelines for reopening of hospitality sector due out – RTE – Micheál Lehane

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