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Record number of daily contactless payments in June

2.4 million contactless payments were made every day in June of this year, the highest daily figure on record.

New data from the Banking and Payments Federation Ireland shows that 73 million contactless payments were made in June, to the value of more than €1.2 billion.

This means that June saw the largest daily figure for contactless transactions since the BPFI started recording them in 2016.

The number of contactless transactions was up 62% in the second quarter of 2021 when compared with the same period last year.

The value of those transactions increased by 68%, to a value of more than €3.2 billion between April and June.

The data shows that the value of contactless payments more than trebled over a three-year period, with less than €1.1 billion in payments made in the second quarter of 2018.

According to the figures for June, €39.5 million is being spent every day through contactless transactions.

The average payment value for a contactless transaction was €16.19, up from €15.57 in June of last year.

“The increase we have seen in contactless spending during the course of June reflects the easing of Covid-related restrictions on many businesses, including hospitality, during this period and is a trend we expect to continue in the months ahead,” said Brian Hayes, Chief Executive of the BPFI.

Article Source – Record number of daily contactless payments in June – RTE – Gill Stedman

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