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Ministers finalising proposals on cost of living measures

Work is set to continue across Government over the next few days on drawing up another round of measures to assist households to cope with the rising cost of living.

Minister for Finance Michael McGrath and Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe are finalising proposals that will go to Government party leaders before a final decision is expected to be made by the Cabinet on Tuesday.

This latest Government intervention is not fully nailed down yet but some things are already clear.

It is now certain that some of the measures currently in place will not continue beyond the end of the month.

The lower VAT rate for the hospitality sector looks likely to fall into that category.

It is expected that the excise cuts on petrol and diesel will be reduced in the period ahead.

One-off payments around social protection allowances and possibly on child benefit look likely.

The discussions that took place yesterday among the Government party leaders and senior ministers are understood to have emphasised the need to protect children and low income families from the worst effects of inflation.

At this point a further credit on electricity costs for homes after March is said to be not certain or guaranteed.

In a statement the Government said: “Whatever package is agreed next week will continue to provide some assistance to families, businesses and the most vulnerable.”

Article Source: Ministers finalising proposals on cost of living measures – Mícheál Lehane – RTE

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