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87% of women feel more burnt-out at work since pandemic

The survey was carried out among 1,000 women and men across Ireland, with the findings published today to mark International Women’s Day.

The data suggests that maintaining work-life balance post-pandemic is proving harder for women.

Overall, three-quarters of those surveyed said demands on their personal time and daily routine at work have changed since the pandemic, with 58% saying they feel the need to be more “available” from a work perspective.

73% of women said they have felt more overwhelmed by increasing responsibilities both at home and at work, compared to 55% of men.

Meanwhile, 71% of women said their physical and mental wellbeing has suffered, compared to 54% of men.

Most women surveyed said they are concealing burn-out in case it negatively impacts their career progression.

Today’s research also reveals that almost half of the women surveyed have considered leaving the workforce altogether this year, or considered cutting their hours.

When asked why they were considering leaving or downshifting, 36% of women cited childcare responsibilities.

36% of men said they were considering cutting their hours or leaving the workforce, with stress and pressure the biggest driver.

Today’s findings suggest that the main parenting responsibilities still lie with the mother, with women more likely to experience childcare difficulties.

“What our survey shows is that ideas about the roles of women and men in home-building and raising a family are stubbornly stuck in an older world,” said Dr Michelle Cullen, Managing Director and Inclusion & Diversity Lead at Accenture in Ireland.

“These biases persist in our education systems, our businesses and even in our own family systems, and if we want to change the post-pandemic workplace, we need to confront these biases,” she said.

“There is a is palpable sense of frustration among the women in this survey, a recognition that something will have to give if they want to raise a family and forge ahead in their career to the best of their ability,” she added.

Ms Cullen said these issues need to be addressed to ensure that the next generation enter the workforce with a better chance at achieving a work-life balance.

When asked about the most beneficial actions an organisation could take to support their career, 21% of the overall respondents said a promotion or pay rise, 18% said flexible working options, while 11% said providing better benefits in areas like parental leave and sick leave.

Article Source: 87% of women feel more burnt-out at work since pandemic – Gill Stedman – RTE

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