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Income tax receipts surged between 2020 and 2022

Income tax receipts in Ireland rose by more over the two year period up to 2022 than they did over the seven year period up to 2019, new data from Revenue shows.

Total income tax receipts between 2020 and 2022 came in at €8.1 billion, compared to €7.8 billion between 2012 and 2019.

While receipts fell by 3% in 2020 due to the pandemic, receipts grew strongly the following year by €4.1 billion or 18% and last year saw a further significant increase of €4 billion or 15%.

Income tax is the largest tax head and the increase brought the net income tax received by Revenue last year to €30.73 billion, 37% of the overall net tax receipts.

More than two thirds of income tax receipts in 2022 came from PAYE, with Universal Social Charge making up 14% and self-assessed income tax accounting for 8%.

In total there were 3.2 million employees, including those receiving pensions, last year and 187,900 employers.

On average there were 240,000 additional employees in each month of 2022 compared to 2021.

This trend is also observed for employers, with an additional 12,700 employers per month on average compared to 2021.

60,700 of the employees worked in the top 20 technology multinational firms, with 30% earning over €100,000.

Almost three quarters of the employees were Irish nationals, with Polish accounting for 3% and British 2%.

The average mean income for all employees was €37,360, while at the other end roughly 5% of workers were paid over €100,000, although their income made up 23% of all gross pay.

Only 1 million employees made pension contributions during the year, highlighting the risk facing the country in terms of pension provision.

The number of large employers with in-excess of 250 employees rose by 12.5% last year to 1,800, and collectively they employed 2.39 million people, up 11.3% on the previous year.

When it came to gender, mean gross pay was similar for male and female employees within each income range except for the €250,000+ range where the mean gross pay of males is slightly greater.

Employment was highest in the wholesale/retail/repair of vehicles sector at 14.1%, followed by financial and insurance activities at 10.3%.

Average yearly gross pay was highest in the electricity and has sector at €60,000, with information and communication following at €57,200.

The average yearly gross pay was lowest in accommodation and food service at €10,300, with arts and entertainment slightly higher at €16,300.

Article Source – Income tax receipts surged between 2020 and 2022 –

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