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Ireland among top countries for jobseekers globally

Ireland is among the most attractive countries for international jobseekers, according to new research from job website Indeed.

Just over 11% of searches for jobs in Ireland in June of this year originated from outside the country placing it in 14th place in a list of countries ranked in terms of the proportion of job searches from people living overseas.

The analysis examined job search and click data in the 62 countries in which Indeed has job sites.

Luxembourg, Oman and Switzerland are the top countries when it comes to overseas job searches.

The study shows that Ireland is the third most attractive EU country for international jobseekers and is among the top ten most popular countries in the world for Ukrainians seeking work abroad.

Personal care and home health is the leading job category when it comes to foreign clicks on Irish jobs followed by software development and administrative assistance.

Indeed’s findings show immigration to developed countries has rebounded significantly post-pandemic, fueled in large part by tight labour markets and long-term demographic trends including ageing populations and shrinking local workforces.

Searches from abroad for jobs in the EU as a whole, however, remain well below those for jobs in some of the large English-speaking countries such as the UK, Canada and Australia.

Director of EMEA Economic Research at Indeed Pawel Adrjan said the findings suggest jobseekers from abroad are more likely to click on job postings in a given country when there is a significant cultural diaspora in that country and when there is linguistic or geographical proximity to their home nation.

“Ireland, for example, has already taken in a high number of Ukrainian refugees and has been very welcoming to those seeking refuge from the Russian invasion,” Mr Adrjan said.

“This could help to explain why Ireland is among the top ten countries for job searches for Ukrainians who have yet to leave their home country,” he added.

Article Source: Ireland among top countries for jobseekers globally – Brian O’Donovan – RTE

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