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Housing commencements up 85% year-on-year

Notices that work was beginning on 3,699 new homes across the country were received in February, new data from the Department of Housing shows.

This is up 85% on the number of new homes commenced in the same month last year.

The Department said this is the highest number of units started in the month of February since records began in 2015.

So far this year, work has started on 7,056 new homes – a record-high first two months of the year.

This is up 72% when compared to the first two months of last year.

The department said rolling 12-month commencements are now above 35,750.

“These figures indicate that supply, which is key to addressing our housing needs continues to increase and that a robust stock of new housing is in the pipeline,” the Department said in a statement.

Of the 3,699 units commenced, 60% are scheme dwellings, 29% are apartments and 11% are for one-off units.

Article Source – Housing commencements up 85% year-on-year – RTE

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